Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Wow! its been a while since I've blogged! Sorries!

Yeah, life has been really busy here at Terayon. Partly because I am still kinda trying to learn the ropes, partly because there is a lot of pressure to produce results. I think overall eventhough I am stressed, things are going well. I'm learning and absorbing at a rate that I've never did before. Thats great news.

I guess I have some time to blog today because I've just proven an important concept here at work about the feasibility of a particular task... Therefore, now a lot of the pressure is off and I just have to do a lot of the busy work (to write the code) now. hehehe :-)

Thats right! call me a NERD!!!



Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Alright. So I know now to speak correct english:

"Liz and I went to the park" as opposed to "Me and Liz went to the park."
"Liz gave me the ball" as opposed to "Liz gave I the ball..."

But I didn't know, and now I do know, that...
"Decimate" means to destroy 10%, while "obliterate" means to destroy 100%.
"e.g." is used to give examples, "i.e." is used to explain something.
"Irregardless" is not a word.
"Affect" is a verb. "effect" is used more as a noun than verb.
Its "6AM", not "6AM in the morning" because 6AM = morning.

All curteosy of the Encarta Encyclopedia.
Thanks Microsoft & Encarta!


Thursday, August 15, 2002

Last night, a bunch of the engineering school friends all got together for dinner. It was cool, to catch up on all the things that happened and laughed about the stupid things that we did back in school... It was great. One of them got married, and the rest of them are still the same, working for their respective companies. Its pretty cool.

In amist of all that, I didn't get a chance to call Liz last night. You know the funny thing is that I really missed talking to her last night. I went to bed thinking that something was missing - like I haven't completed my day yet or something like that. Its really interesting!!! I guess I feel that way because it was 1) a break from my normal routine, and 2) I just miss her lots (yuck! that was such a mushy comment!!).

Anyways, definitely calling her today. :-)

love ya, pooh bear


Friday, August 09, 2002

Found this interesting site on the web: X-Box Hacking

First off, I don't have an X-Box, not intend on getting one (unless its really cheap), and even if I do get one, I probably won't hack it. I have no access to Japanese games anymore anyways. Plus, it just takes too much time. As if the PS/2 isn't keeping me busy enough.

BUT, reading about the technology used to HACK the X-Box and the technology inside the X-BOX is really interesting. I came across this article by Andrew Huang, who published his first X-Box hacking paper: Keeping Secrets in Hardware: the Microsoft XBox Case Study. Just reading about all the technology thats inside the X-Box is very exciting. After all, I do the same thing at work, just in a different kind of system. That, and I design, not hack.

I guess the moral of the story is how selfish humans are. We go through great length (like Microsoft) to protect the "data" so that no one else can see what genius inventions other people came up with. We go through layers and layers of encryption just so others wouldn't be able to know what it is. Why? Economic reasons, of course. If people don't know how it works, then the only way to play XBox games is to buy it straight from Microsoft, helping Microsoft making millions of $$$. In the process, Microsoft probably spent millions of dollars and weeks to come up with a scheme to "hide" all this information, only to be broken in by a MIT professor. Just goes on to show you, that no matter what you do, there is always a way around it. :-)

You know, I can't wait until the day that information just flows, for free, and we humans don't take adventage of one another. Rather, we use the knowledge and expertise that is shared amongst everyone to propel our society forward to bigger and better things, and we give credit (in both $$$ and recognition) where its due. As for me, I try to buy origional DVDs and play original PS2 games, along with NOT downloading MP3s and actually buying the CDs that I want to listen to.


Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Ok... This is going to sound Nerdy, but I really like technology. I think its really neat.

I went to a series of training seminars that ended today which talked about cable modem transfer protocols. In it, there were quite some discussions about S-CDMA, which stands for Synchronous CMDA (Code-Division Multiple Access). We hear about CDMA all the time (you know, in Cel phones! That's how Qualcomm was able to get their stock up to $600/share!). So I finally understood somewhat of how CDMA works. Its pretty cool! It takes narrow-band of information, multiply it by a certain "code" and then transmit it on a particular channel in a certain timeslot. Up to a set of cel phones can do this all at the same time, in the same timeslot. There is no confusion when that happens because of the "codes" that the signal multiplies to are Orthagonal (i.e. mutual exclusive, as in no dependency on each other). Anyhow. the adventages of CDMA is that it buys you SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) so that you are more immune to noise.

I think thats how it work. Its new to me, and not easy to swallow and remember. I'm sure I'll learn more in the days to come!


Tuesday, August 06, 2002

Hsin and Dennis went to Thunderhill Raceways today. I'm so jealous. I wish I can take a day off and go racing....

I've been trying to figure out what to get for myself as a present since I got my first paycheck. Yikes! There are lots of things that I want, like a new cel phone, new rims for my car, some more upgrades to the Miata...etc. I've thought about it quite a bit and I think I've decided to use it to replenish my savings account that I had to deplete due to unemployment. I think thats a good choice, as right now - who knows if one's paycheck is their last one with that company?

Getting laid off (or company go out of business) officially sucks, I've declared. Looking back on it, it really sucks. Don't let other people tell you otherwise. If you are a worry wart like me, it sucks. :-)


Tuesday, July 23, 2002

So 2nd day at work here.... Man, I wish I can just know everything instantly so I can start working immediately. Its killing me to have to read everything. *sigh*....

Anyhow, I've been so excited and so busy that I have forgotten to blog about what happened: I FOUND A JOB!!!!! Yeah. I started working for a company called Terayon Communication Systems yesterday as a software engineer working on the CMTS (Cable Modem Termination System). How's that for a nerdy comment?!?!?!

Anyhow. I'm glad to be back in the swing of things. Hopefully, this will help me blog more often!


Wednesday, July 10, 2002

man, i gotta get my butt in gear and start to blog. But its so hot here!

ok, this sitting at home thing just doesn't do it for me anymore. I need a JOB!!!! I need something to keep me occupied. Yesterday, I was so bored that I decided to re-arrange all the furniture in the house. Then, about 3/4 of the way through it, I decided that it was too much work and I am too tired. So now, the furnitures are in weird places and the house is a mess. Well, good thing no one is visiting anytime soon and only Hsin lives here.... He's used to the mess.


Tuesday, July 02, 2002

Boy. Last time I blogged was almost a month ago.... its been so long!

Well, I lost my job on 6/7/2002. Our company decided to shut down, and so ever since then I have been looking for a job. Boy - job hunting is hard! Its hard to look for a full time job. Its a 'job' to look for a 'job'! Anyways, I hate job searches now.

*sigh* I guess I should just bite my tongue, stop complaining and finish filling out application forms.... If you know of any embedded software engineering jobs, make sure you e-mail me, ok? at walnutchen@attbi.com

thanks. more later!

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

Went to see Les Miserable in the city last night. It was really good.

The music was incredible. We had seats on the right side about 6 rows back. It was really nice because we can see everyone's faces and everything. I've always liked musicals, so this was a real treat.

So, out of all the musicals that I've seen so far, I'd say that my favorite is Miss Saigon, still. The story in Miss Saigon touched me so much more, and it made me think so much more. It made me realize that there are things in the world that just cannot be worked out with a happy ending. In Miss Saigon, whatever decision Chris makes will hurt someone, and Kim had to sacrafice herself for her son's future. Its so sad, and it touches me so much because I've heard and seen scenarios like this, I just refuse to believe it...

Les Miserable was good, too. It just didn't touch me as deeply as Miss Saigon did. I'm not quite catching the "deep" meaning behind the story yet. It just seems like a tale to me. I didn't feel the deep connection to the characters, and I didn't feel the connection to all the story lines that were going on. Maybe it'll take a while for the story lines to sink in... we'll see

Other musical I've seen: Sunset Boulevard, Joseph and the Amazing Technolocolor Dreamcoat, Phantom of the Opera, The Music Man, and Rent.


Monday, June 03, 2002

Finally, we made it back from Vegas alive. We were there for Stephen's bachelor party. It was great! We had a great time.

So, I got to try a climbing wall for the first time. It was really cool! I really enjoyed it. I was so scared to look down when I was near the top that my hands started to sweat and I had to keep telling myself that I need to be more brave. It was so much fun. If you ever get an oppertunity to try it, I'd recommend it! Its lots of fun.


Thursday, May 30, 2002

Oh, and also, to Liz: "I Love You!"
I generally don't like roller coasters. Beej can attest to this....

But the 'Incredible Hulk' Roller coaster at the Islands of Adventure was AWESOME! Boy its was soo cool. Normally I don't like the roller coasters because I don't like how the drag you up to the top and then there is that little period where you hang and then you drop. I hate that part.

On the 'Hulk', it was funny. Because, as they pulled you half way up the ramp, the train stopped, and started moving back a little bit. I remember I was thinking... uh oh. what happened? Then next thing I know, I'm being shoved hard back into my seat as the roller coaster takes off shooting off the up-going ramp. IT WAS AWESOME! I love speed. Don't like drops, but love the speed. Anyways, then it flips you upside down and darts you down towards the ground. It was soo cool, cuz I didn't have any time to be scared at all....by the time I felt how scary it was the ride was already done!

So, if you get a chance, definitely goto Islands of Adventure and take the Incredible Hulk roller-coaster.


Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Just got back from Disney World... Had a great time!

There are so many stories to tell, so stay put! I'll just put down 1 things right now about Disneyworld that really impressed me:

1) Even though its 90 degress with (what feels like) 100% humidity, I didn't get a single bug bite, and also there are no bugs swarming around when you eat outside.
2) Disneyworld is incredible organized. We never had any trouble getting into or out of parking lots, traffic flows well. After we parked, we never had to wait for a tram (it seems like that there is always one available when we need one).

Incredible. Had an AWESOME time! Hopefully, we'll get to go back soon!


Wednesday, May 22, 2002

Going to Disney World 5/23 - 5/28. its going to be so much fun! After all, it IS the happiest place on earth!

Monday, May 20, 2002

Many Blessings....

I had to goto a PTA meeting yesterday. It was a church meeting, where we (the counselors) got a chance to chat and talk with the parents, and for us to get some feedback on how we are doing. I went reluctantly, knowing that its just going to drag on...

When we started talking and discussing all the issues and stuff, I was overwhelmed by how thankful the parents were that I was there helping the youth group with singspiration. I couldn't believe how they all thanked me and how they are so greatful that I play with their kids and teaching them how to lead. I personally feel that I have failed miserably, since the worship team is still a bit disorganized and stuff. But, its been such a blessing. God has blessed us so much, as some of the kids are almost ready to lead worship on their own. Guess what? They're only in 9th grade.....

For a while, I had thought about leaving DCBC. Its just tires me out too much that I am at church on Sundays from 8:30AM to 4PM, going through 2 worship services and 2 Sunday schools. However, the afternoons at Danville church (which is the one that I thought about quitting) has been lifting my spirits so much (both the parents and the kids) that I think God is trying to tell me to continue my service there. I praise God for the message and I will continue to obey His commands, and receive His blessings as I go through it...

I remember seeing a sign that says "C H _ _ C H - What's missing?" answer is 'U R', as in YOU ARE! So pick up your lazy bums, pray about it, and sign up to help out somewhere in your church, and get ready to receive the many MANY blessing that you will receive from God!

Praise God!

You know, I realized 3 things yesterday in which God showed his grace and power

About a few years ago, I was talking to my good friend Noel about how I feel that I wasn't being challenged in the bible. We did a bible study with our pastor and that was really cool. Since then, haven't done much. We keep doing topical studies at Sunday school, and I just don't feel interested. About a month ago, I started doing Sunday school with the 2nd church that I go help out at. The lady that leads the study with me (just the two of us right now) is leading an in-depth study on the book of Colossians. Its been really great and I've been learning so much about Paul, his character, his life, and the people of Colossae.

We even started to go into some of the text in Greek to see what the sentences mean... Its AWESOME!

We've been doing this for a while now and I just realized that this was the answer to a prayer that I had 2 years ago, when I asked God to really challenge me in the studies of His word. I just realized how God answered my prayers and learned a few lessons as well along the way. That was so awesome! I really thank God for what He has given me...


Friday, May 17, 2002

Stole this from Beej - Many Uses of Bounce

wowsers. i never knew. I wonder if it really works. Time to go home and try it.

I picked up my cousin's champaign glasses today. Yeah. Can't wait to see her get married. hehehe :-)


Thursday, May 16, 2002

My cousin's wedding is 2 days away! I'm so excited.

Its weird. When I get home these days I don't feel like doing much. "bleh" accoring to Beej is correct. Don't quite know why I feel that way. I've been watching TV ilke there is no tomorrow, namely how for the past two weeks Enterprise has been running for 2 hours instead of the normal 1 hour. Next weekend is the season finale... Can't wait....

I really like 'Enterprise'. Its not that bad for the first season. Scott Bakula is pretty cool as the Captain, and I think her chemistry with Jolene Blaylock is really good. I guess to the normal Star Trek fans it might seem a bit cheezy, but I think its cool. Hosie had a one-night-stand last night. hahahaa :-D

Anyhow. Watch Enterprise when you get a chance. We are going to Vegas for Stephen's bachelor party next next Friday, and of course, we're going to get drunk and speak Klingon to each other, just like last time!!!

Guess that does make me a 'Geek". yikes.


Tuesday, May 14, 2002

Hmmm. The project at work that I've been working on is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We had a break through on Thursday and now I am much more relaxed.... I did cheat a little, (I overclocked the uProcessor) but thats ok. Hopefully, I am lobbying for a faster processor (less work for me) but we will see. Yeah!.

Happy Nut

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

I am in 7th place in my fantasy baseball team. YIKES! That a bummer. I think I am going to keep my pitchers rotated. So, what I am going to do is for the pitchers I will look them up 2 days ahead and see if they are pitching against a loser team. If they are, then I will pick them up the day before, hoping to get a win. Then, whether they win or lose I'd drop them for the next guy.... Think thats a good idea? Of course I will keep Schilling and Clemens around, and maybe Burkett and Armas Jr. But the other guys are expandable....

As for the hitters, well, same story - if a guy drops below .300 batting average, (unless he is Palmerio, Sheffield, Griffey, Aurilia) then he will get dropped and replaced by another player who is batting .300 or above.... We'll see how long we can keep doing this, as the season is still young...

Fantasy baseball definitely makes baseball more exciting. :-) You should try it sometimes. :-)


Monday, May 06, 2002

Nut's thought of the day.... ( From my cousin. She's sooo funny. She's getting married in 2 weeks.....)

"Wedding planning is to me, a major spill and 20 foot slide down the slope into a hole next to a tree with your board stuck in the branches, snow in your sportsbra, and forgetting to wear your upside down shirt that says, if you can read this, dig me out."


Spending more time....

Its funny. Don't you think that the older you get the less time you have? I need to spend time starting my own company, working, morning church service, afternoon church service, dinner, going to the bathroom, fix my car, reading Emerson, answering phones, play golf, watch movies, and most importantly, spending time with Liz. I don't get it. How does one do it? How does one have time for everything in life?

I guess the answer lies in what you'd want to spend your time on. I know this is a simple concept but its so hard to do! Now I am beginning to understand why people say that one either has a career or a family, but not both. Its tough!

After talking to Shinjohn today, I think I realized what is important to me. And that is whom I need to spend my time on.

My one and only, Liz.


Friday, May 03, 2002

Hi y'all!

Haven't blogged in sooo long! Sorry. Liz reminded me the other day that I haven't blogged in a while... I dunno whats up with me these days... Just feeling unmotivated in general.

So, the car issue is finally settled - I bought a 2000 Nissan Maxima - its black. Looks really nice. According to Liz'd Dad, its definitely "a step up" for me. I guess. I'm just glad I don't have to think about selling/getting another car for a while. That was quite stressful.

Started to read Emerson again. He is quite an amazing scholar. I've never read any of his bio, just mostly his work. I just recently bought this book that gave an intro to Emerson's life. Its really facinating! I will tell you more about it as I read...

Well. Another day at work. smiles :-)

Monday, April 22, 2002

*sigh* this blogging thing never works well for me. Being a nerd that works with the vi editor, hitting the 'escape' key will get you into 'Command' mode so you can save your document. On Blogger.com - hitting the 'Esc' key will erase all that hard work you just put into your blog.... Lesson of the day: DON'T HIT THE ESCAPE KEY!!!!!

Anyways, as I was saying, Beej reminded me how much I loved Emerson as I was reading his work in school. I think I am going to go pick up a copy of Emerson today on my way home. In a way, I feel like Emerson helped shape who I am today.

I think in today's society, we are all 'bound' by society. Society seems to dictate what we 'should' be doing and what we 'should' watch and we 'should' be saying. People get criticized in almost everything that they do. I used to have a big problem with this. Why can't I do what I want if I am not hurting anyone else? Emerson wrote in his pieces about people contradicting themselves and cricitisms. His conclusion was "So What?!?!?!" (well, not in those exact words...)

I love that - Life is all about what YOU want to do and who YOU want to spend time with. The hardest thing to do is to not care about what everyone else says and live free - live your life. I can't say I do this well at all, but one thing I know. I want to spend my time with Liz.

Someday, we will be free.......


Friday, April 19, 2002

Wow. I was just looking on blog and saw that the last time I blogged was 18 days ago! wowsers.

My birthday is coming up. Turning 28 this year. Wow! You know what is funnny, was that when I was in school, I always looked up to people that are 28. I always thought they were rather mature, and very serious, smart people. Here comes yours truely, who is still goofing off at the tender age of 28. Thats weird. I don't feel 28. I still feel like I am 18. hahaha :-D

Got in touch with my roomies JON and Dennis again. That was cool. JON broke up with his ex and is now dating another girl. hehehe. Dennis finished school and is bumming around. It was fun to catch up on old times - and seeing how we're all grown up now, and yet we can still goof off for the night when we all hang out. hahaah.

So, the Altima finally decided to give out. I'm not really sure whats wrong with it - the engine studders as I press on the gas. I checked the oil, changed the spark plugs and rotor and cap. Also, charged the battery. I'm not sure what is wrong with it - well, actually, whats wrong with it is that its 9 yrs old and 185K miles. hmmm time to get another car.

Boy its been an interesting week. Praise God that He blessed me sooo much through it!


Monday, April 01, 2002


Thursday, March 21, 2002

Monday, March 18, 2002

Check this out - if you get a chance.... Its an article titled

"For Asian-American Churches, Integration Proves Complicated"

It doesn't look like there are any fast 'n easy solution to this, I guess we're kind of stuck in a generation that goes through it. However, I think this is an important issue - because whatever trend that we set right now might have huge impacts for the future generations. Do you guys think so too?

Well, I welcome any feedback. Please e-mail me at walnutchen@yahoo.com and share your thoughts on this issue with me!

-confused nut...

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Here's an interesting question that has been on my mind today.....

As you know, I am chinese. Now, lets just assume that I get married and have kids. Do I want to raise my kids in a 'chinese' church or a 'Asian American' church? Or more of an 'American' church? I see advantages and disadvantages for each one, but as I thought deeper, there seems to be a struggle between 'culture' and 'diversity'... I haven't formed my conclusions yet, as it will require some more thinking....

'Diversity' is something we celebrate. Especially here in California, I think diversity is very important - because it teaches tolerance. Just take a look around here in California - we have all sorts of different ethnic resturants and stores, 'asian' towns everywhere. Not only that, we're able to goto Morroccan resturants, Ethopian resturants, eating all sorts of different food. I work with Iranians, Iraqis, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Caucasian, British, Indian...etc. All sorts of people. Because of this mixed society, I am able to learn about different cultures, what their society values, what sorts of activities they'd like to do...etc.

However, I am 'chinese'. As most of the people know, the 'Chinese' are rich in culture. Fong Shui, acupuncture, pressure points, the aroma of Chinese food, Moon Cake Festivals...etc. are all parts of the chinese culture. I definitely want my kids to not only learn english but also Chinese, to understand the chinese culture, and also to possess some of the Chinese traits such as Filial Duty, respect of the elders, and hard working traits. I hope my kid can learn the art of calligraphy, dizi (chinese flute), and other forms of ancient chinese culture.

However, I can't seem to see a balance. Rather, I see a struggle of being pulled one way or the other. In a chinese church, with the advant of chinese school and everything, the kid may be more pulled towards the Chinese culture side. But I don't want him or her to forget diversity - i.e. eventhough there are alot of chinese people out there, one should also learn about the other cultures and see the different people that are out there, the way they live and carry on....

hmm. interesting question. I will have to give it some more thought. stay tuned...
Well, if you haven't heard, we went to Death Valley this weekend. There were a total of 12 of us there. We went to all sorts of different places - places where there is one theme in common - desolation. Thus, the name, Death Valley...

1st off, the logistics. It took 8 hours to get there - me and Liz hopped in her Trooper and headed down at around 11:45AM. Stopped by split pea Anderson's along the way, and just kept driving and driving.... It took the whole 8 hours to get there. Then we had really expensive-and-not-worth-it salad bar and then went to find the campsite and pitched the tent. The rest of the gang arrived at 3AM to find the tents pitched and air mattress inflated (Courtesy of Me and Liz)!!!!

Saturday morning, we went to Dante's view for a grandview of the salt flats, Zabriskie Point to see the golden rolling hills, then to Furnace Creek Inn for lunch (which had rattlesnake meat!!!) then drove down to see the salts at the Devil's golf course, played in the salt marshes, stopped by Badwater to check out some 'bad' water, and drove back through the Artists palette, and back. Sunday morning we went trekked along the sand dunes before we headed back....

Boy. Lessons I learned: 1) its soo nice to have a house and a toilet within walking distance. 2) Its nice to have a kitchen to put stuff. 3) I can't believe how dependent humans are on 'stuff' to survive (pots, pans, lamps, heater, air mattress...etc.) 4) Going to Death Valley definitely makes me appreciate what God has given me already! Praise God.


Thursday, March 07, 2002

I've always liked Apples. Both the computer variety and the fruity variety. Here's an article about the 2 men, and how they think. I've included the two parts that I really really like. I've always wanted a mac. But its just too darn expensive... *sigh*

Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates: Excerpt taken from

I especially like the last 2 paragraphs....
"But Gates is still right, that no matter how cool these new computers and their software are, they won't be enough for Apple to "win." And here is where we have to understand the difference between winning in Gatespeak and Jobspeak. When Gates speaks about winning he means WINNING, the whole enchilada, mastery of the universe. At this point in his career, every thought that comes out of Bill Gates' mind is grandly strategic. Steve Jobs, on the other hand, thinks solely in terms of tactics, not strategy. His wins are today, tomorrow, next week, next quarter. He revels in every little chance to push people around and make things the way he wants them to be. He can't help it. It was a bad strategy, for example, to snub Gates with Vanity Fair, but in the tactical mind of Steve Jobs, it was brilliant.

In Steve Jobs' mind, he has already won. Those of us who last for a few decades in this business find our own kind of peace and Steve Jobs' is best exemplified by the George Herbert quote, "Living well is the best revenge." Apple's future as a boutique computer company is secure. He dominates Apple completely. When he doesn't feel like being a high tech mogul, he can be a movie mogul, something Gates will never be. In Steve's mind, he has the best of everything. Apple software is cooler than Windows will ever be. Palo Alto, where Jobs lives, is trendier than Seattle. Even Jobs' plane, a Gulfstream V, is cooler than Gates' Challenger 604. It goes on and on. Gates has never even considered this latter point, but I'll guarantee you that Jobs has, and he revels in it. "

What is 'winning'? How do you define 'winning'? In the sports world, we humans make up all sorts of rules to determine who 'wins'. But that is only 'winning' in the sense of that particular sport. How about the people that had to overcome many many difficulties (injuries..etc) and are mediocore atheletes? Do they 'win'? Of course! They 'win' because they've beaten the injury or the disease that they are fighting for. This article has made me realize that 'winning' is really a relative term. Therefore, maybe that is why God called us to be humble, because when you win you've only won in one sense of the word - maybe, in another sense, you didn't win at all.....

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

Took a leap of faith yesterday. It wasn't easy! I decided to help out my friend financially with her intervarsity campus ministry in NY. I pledged to support her $200/quarter, on top of my contributions to the church and everything. Its scary!!!! I feel really convicted by God to support her, but my conscience is telling me that I should be more careful with my money with the way the economy is. Anyways, I prayed about it, and mailed out the letter. I'm still a bit anxious about it, but I feel that I know that is what God wants me to do. I've decided to overcome my comfort zones and really rely on Him to pull me through times like this. I think this is a good start. Next time, it'll be better!
Ordered some parts for my sick Altima yesterday. A power steering pump + all drive belts + valve gasket = $236. Not bad at all. That includes the core charge for the power steering pump. So when I mail the core of the power steering pump back to tony at PartsAMillion.com then I get another $45 refund for the core. I guess now I just have to figure out how to take all the belts off and remove the old power steering pump, and put the new one on. yikes! Still dunno where its leaking. Maybe its the pump itself. We'll see when I rip everything apart.

I was so excited yesterday that I found a wiring diagram in my manual for the cruise control that stopped working since 2 years ago. Now that I have a schematic I should be able to fix it. hehehe :-) It was cool! I was up until 2AM last night studying the chart. Now all I need is a ohm meter and an oscilloscope.... -nutster.

Friday, March 01, 2002

Friday Five - Thanks for the tip, Beej

1. What's your favorite vacation spot? I don't go on vacation enough to know, but I'd like to goto Australia and New Zealand

2. Where do you consider to be the biggest hell-hole on earth? Hell, of course. What else?

3. What would be your dream vacation? 5-day golf trip on a presonal jet from Mauna Kea to Pebble Beach, then Spanish Bay to Banff Springs and ending in Chesapeak Bay Country Club. *sigh* it'll never come true...

4. If you could go on a road-trip with anyone, who would it be and why? Lizzy bear - she can keep me company and also we get to spend more time together....

5. What are your plans for this weekend? Going to Junko concert at Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church, help Liz buy a bible for her brother, sort out all the camping equiptment gear for next weekend, watch TV, help Liz buy a car, eat dinner with my parents, watch a movie.

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Read an interesting article today, it was in the Argus this morning. I read it while I was at the red light on Montague and Scott (yeah, its a loooong light...)

Its a story about 2 guys that are roommates at Stanford Hospital that are both waiting for a heart transplant. One guy was a father who owns a successful catering business in Newark. Another was a 2 time convicted robber from Los Angeles. The first guy's family visits him every day. The other guy only has security guards by his side 24-7.

A new heart came in, and the father had some other surgery done, so he was temporarily unavailable for the heart transplant. They gave the heart to the 2 time convicted robber.

How would you feel? I was really mad as I read up to that part. Why? The robber is in jail at the hospital. The operation costs upwards of a million dollars of taxpayers money. That doesn't make any sense. Why not give the heart to someone more deserving?

Then, as I read on, I realized how selfish I was. Who is to say who is more deserving? God has a plan for all of us, and maybe he has great plans for the robber, and thus letting him live. Is one life worth more than the other? I thought to myself. (No, not really) and no one knows what is going to happen in the future. Maybe this near-death experience will change the robber. Who knows? If I was in the father's shoes, would I be at peace with what happened? The father in the article put himself in the hands of God, and trusted God's decision. Am I able to do that?

What a humbling experience! I realized how un-deserving I am of God's grace. God had such a compassion for the human kind, and that He send His son to die for us, so that we can receive God's grace. Isn't that awesome? Also, it makes me realize that I need to fully trust in God's plan. To not worry about the future and do the best I can and put myself in His hands.


Monday, February 25, 2002

Hmmm. I had a pretty good weekend. Albeit it was a bit busy, but it was really good.

We started off Friday night with small group at our house, and there are just six of us. Its was nice because it was sort of an interesting setting, and we sat in a circle and sang songs and shared and prayed. It was a good time of fellowshipping, and I feel that I was calm and had a good night of sleep.

Then, Saturday morning, I fixed Liz's brake handle cover (that was chewed up by Cody the dog), and then we went to the Toyota dealer to check out their new Highlanders. They're really cool cars. Really popular, too. Its hard to get one because they're all still on order. Anyhow, we drove one and I think Liz is gonna get one, I guess its just a matter of price and the model. The highlander, eventhough it has a 4 cylinder engine, is much much more spirited than the Subaru was. It does look very nice, too.

The guy at the dealership tried to sell us a 4Runner as well. We drove it, and wasn't very impressed. Its an old design and needs a complete interior overhaul. The V6 was definitely more powerful, but the interior was just too plain.

Then we had dinner in the city at Luna Park (Great resturant!!!! and cheap, too!) and went to the Harmony Sweepstakes Acappella competition. The singings by the groups were incredible. They all had such beautiful voices... I wish I can sing like that. The highlight though, was running into my friend Lily. I haven't seen her since 1995! It was such an interesting situation. i was so glad that I ran into her. I've sorta been looking for her since we graduated, but was never able to. She was really glad to see me too, and she met Liz as well. It was neat to see how after all these years we can still talk like there is no tomorrow. Hahaha.

Sunday was church day, and Noel came back for a week cuz her hubby is in the bay area for training. Pretty cool that we got to see her and hang out a bit. We had yummy Thai food to end the evening. Hmmm. can't ask for a better weekend than that!


Monday, February 18, 2002

Had a good relaxing weekend....

We went test driving for Liz's new car, so we went to the Subaru dealer in San Jose to test drive the 2002 Outback. Boy was I disappointed. Maybe I am a bit spoiled, but I couldn't really feel the kick out of that engine. It was pretty sluggish. I felt the engine in my 93 Altima had more kick than the Subaru had. We're going to go around and test drive some more cars. Hopefully, there will be something both economical and nice our there.

You know, I've always liked wagons, for some reason. Outback is probably the nicest looking wagon out on the road these days. It looks rugged. And its not a SUV. I'm not a big fan of those SUVs. I think wagons look great, and they can haul lots and lots of stuff. Its practical, and I think the Outback looks really elegant, too. Its just a nice car over all. I wonder what the V6 LL Bean Edition feels like.... ?!?!?

k. back 2 work. :-)

Friday, February 15, 2002

Haven't blogged all week. hehehe :-)
Vegas was fun! We spend our time walking around all the casinos, going on the New Tork, New York roller coaster, went to the M&M Store (boring) and the Coca Cola store. It was a neat-o experience. I really enjoyed spending the time with Liz, and also I like the Star Trek Experience. That was awesome. That, and we had some Romulan Ale and a Core Breach, and sang Klingon battle songs with some friendly Klingons. yeah!

The lesson I learned from Vegas is that humans are very weak. Well, I guess I shouldn't generalize, but I am very weak. I couldn't stay away from the tables, and even though I won on the first day I lost it all on the 2nd and 3rd day. I guess I keep thinking that my luck can't be that bad, but Maybe it is that bad. Just gotta learn how to control myself. Usually, I try to avoid those places so I don't even have a chance to tempt myself...

This has been a long week. working very hard to get our board issues resolved. Still no luck. Well, we'll see what happens.

Got plane tickets to goto Orlando for $250 for 2 roundtrip from San Jose. Not bad at all. That will happen in May, as we goto DisneyWorld. I've never been there! should be fun.

My roommate has been in a car accident. Fell asleep at the wheel. Been praying for him and hope that he gets better soon.

Valentine's Day was fun! I went up to Lizzy's place and gave her a little Precious Moments Figurine titled "I will Never Let You Down". It was pretty neat, with the boy on the bottom and the girl on his shoulders. I thought it was appropriate because hopefully, I will never let Liz down. I want to be there to carry her through everything... Anyhow, she gave me a bear that she "made" and it was really cute. And it has a heart in it!

:-) nuts

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

Some break through today. Finally, I was able to trigger on the error of my PC Board and was able to take a look at the parity error. There seems to be some timing issues, but I can't tell what. I guess I will just wait until our hardware engineer comes back and let him figure it out. :-)

Today is a nice day. Only 1 more day of work before I am off to Vegas. I'm not terribly excited about Vegas, but VERY excited about going on vacation... And, with my favorite person too. :-)

You know, I realized that when you are stressed and under pressure, you often don't get a lot done. When I was debugging this parity error problem, I kept thinking about when it needs to be done and how little time I have to do it, and then I stress myself out and doesn't let my 2 brain cells do its work. However, I took a step back yesterday and stopped worring about when it was going to be done and all, and look how much progress I made! Yikes! Another lesson in life - "NO STRESS!" Its another one of those easy to say, hard to do, phrases. But its neat to discover one of the "true" meanings behind no stress - i.e. you productivity really goes up when you are not stressed!


Monday, February 04, 2002

I don't think I'm very smart. I've been trying to fix this PC board at work that has some timing issues for at least 3 weeks now. YIKES! Its just not so easy. I guess I wish I could be a miracle worker, but I am not.

Pinched a nerve the other day, or so I thought I did. Anyways, I have this sharp pain when I turn my head to a certain position. It was really bad on Saturday, a bit better today, and it still feels pretty bad today. Oh well....

Liz and I, along with my parents and my grandpa went to see the Peking Acrobats on Saturday. It was AWESOME! There were incredible acts of balance, and some incredibly soft bodies of the contortionists. It was incredible. I especially like the act with a girl riding a unicycle on a turning umbrella, and the 8 layers of chairs that are stacked with the guy balancing on it, and also the lady that juggled a big vase with her feet. Boy. The were scary! It was really really neat-o.

*sigh* back to work now. :-)

Friday, February 01, 2002

There appears to be some controversy over Friday night small groups.
At our church, we have a 'young adult' group. This group is made up of people that are in the mid-late 20s and early 30s. We meet on Friday nights to talk about how our work week was, and to do a little bible study...etc. Fellowship stuff.

Someone recently brought up a notion that we should meet 2x a month instead of every week. I'm very distraught by this. I don't understand. To me, meeting 2x a month is not considered a 'fellowship'. Its merely a 'gathering'. I guess in a sense I'm afraid of 'losing' the group that I goto for support.

Why would we want to meet 2x a week? Well, here are they reasons that were discussed through e-mail and my responses:
1. Its a chore to have to host small group at our house on Friday nights?
My response: Don't host it unless you want to.
2. I want my Friday nights to be free to relax after a hard working week?
My response: Don't need to come if you don't feel like coming. I goto the fellowship to relax....
3. Not enough people wants to go every week anyways?
My response: Why are we having small group again? its to support each other in the kingdom of God. So whether its 2 people or 20 people, its still fellowship, right?

I dunno. To me, these seem to be very simple questions, with very simple answers. I don't understand what the crying is all about.

What is a fellowship that meets 2x a month? Not much of one. To me, that means if something comes up on the week that we have small group then I won't get to see everyone for another whole month. It doesn't make any sense. Why do we goto church every week? Why not every other week? I know I don't have a perfect attendance record at small groups, cuz a lot of times my friends come up from LA and I don't get to see them very often.... But, no matter, small group should not discontinued because of that! It should be there for people to come and have a shoulder to lean on, a place for people to come and chat and share about the hardships of the working environment. Its tough enough working in the world by yourself.... Therefore, I signed up to host small group at my house. We'll see how things go from here!


Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Hmmm. Liz posed an interesting question to me the other day. Er, rather, it was our friend Brian who asked us this question. I don't quite have an answer, but it did make me realize that I need to maybe spend some more 'quality' time with Liz.

Well, our friend Brian asked us, as Liz was walking on the treadmill and I was bursting my vains trying to lift some weights... "What do you guys do together?"

I hate these damn simple, yet complicated questions. I couldn't quite tell Brian what we do together other than that we 'hang out'. The thing is, that Liz and I spend precious little time together as is. We try to spend our weekend together, whether it is going to hang out with friends or dinners..etc. But when it comes down to it, we don't really spend quality time just hanging out and talking with each other. On weekends, either she would come down or I would go up and we'd always go visit friends, goto friend's parties, go out with friends...etc. Its fun and all, but I feel like I am beginning to miss her. Take last weekend, for example. Saturday morning Liz drove down to my house, we went to D&B's for our friend's brithday party, then we drove back up to the city to have dinner at a Moroccan resturant for another friend's birthday. Then we dropped her off at home and I went home. Sunday we went to church, bible study, and then she went home and I had to go help out at the other church. Sunday night we had dinner with my parents, and then both her and I went home.

What a hectic schedule! Through this whole time we were hanging out with all our friends, and yet no time were we alone together. I think she misses that, and I do too. Granted, we don't want to be hanging out all the time and get sick of one another, but I don't think we're hanging out with each other enough. I guess its a balancing act, and I'm just not quite sure where the balance point is yet.

Anyways, so, today's goal, hopefully, is to get out of work early and go up and surprise her. Then I'm going to simply sit down with her and maybe have dinner and just chat with her. That's my projected evening. That is, provided, that I can get out of work early. *sigh*.


Friday, January 25, 2002

Here's something I read thats interesting. Its so true that ever since I realized God's grace and how my life has just been filled with joy since I've believed in Him, this is just a really neat-o summary.....

God's Boxes
I have in my hands two boxes Which God gave me to hold.
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box,
And all your joys in the gold."
I heeded His words, and in the two boxes
Both my joys and sorrows I stored,
But though the gold became heavier each day
The black was as light as before.
With curiosity, I opened the black,
I wanted to find out why,
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole
Which my sorrows had fallen out by.
I showed the hole to God, and mused,
"I wonder where my sorrows could be."
He smiled a gentle smile and said,
"My child, they're all here with me."
I asked God, why He gave me the boxes,
Why the gold, and the black with the hole?
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,
The black is for you to let go."

Thursday, January 24, 2002

Well, l did a bad thing last weekend.
As my friend and I are getting off the lift at Donner Ski Ranch, we both fell and I hit her over the head with my snowboard and make her goto the hospital and get 8 or so staples in her scalp. Yikes.
Lesson learned? well, either 1) I'm going to try to find a titanium helmet for her so she will NEVER hurt her head again or 2) just never get on a ski lift with me.

Yikes, I feel really bad. She says its ok but I still feel pretty bad. yikes

Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Also, today I exchanged knuckle sandwichs with Sprint PCS.

So last night, I called in to activate the 2nd phone line for my parents. Both phone lines will be billed to me, but I wanted 2 seperate phone numbers. So, anyhow, I called in, got the 2nd line, and this morning found out that my origional line was dead. YIKES!

So I called in this morning at 9AM, and after waiting for 30 minutes on hold, the Sprint service rep told me that there is an outage in Northern California in general. So I said OK and went back to work. But it was bugging me. So I called back at lunch time, and finally, after argueing with them for about half an hour, someone told me my account was suspended! Finally, at around 4PM my phone service was restored. yikes!

Anyways. well, maybe I shouldn't change my plan as much. Then they'd have no reason to much with my account.
Hey! Look! 2 days in a row of blogging!

I took some performance measurements of my experiment today, and the data seems to be coming out correctly. So, I'm getting a little breather, and just reflecting upon all the work that I have done and day-dream a bit....

1st thing that came to mind was my junior year in college, when I learned the quote "Love God and do as you please". I thought that was such a neat-o quote. It's a simple quote by St. Augustine (sp?) and it encompasses sooo much! I've always felt you'd have to be sooo in tuned with God to be able to live up to the "do as you please" part of the quote. Its so important for us to "Love God" first. That's the most important part. And, as you "Love" God, God will instill in you the things that you "want" to do and take away the desire to do the evil things. Therefore, you'd be "do as you please" in God's kingdom. How awesome would that be?

Anyhow. Back to work.
Again, haven't posted in a while. Its quite a bummer. I like to ramble on, but sometimes I just have no time....

You know, I love my work. The stuff that I am doing, though its a pain in the rear, its really nice. Lately, I've been playing with task scheduling in an RTOS (Real-Time Operating System) and trying to figure out how the computer schedules "tasks" (aka, things to do) and how to make it more efficient. Its a lot of trial and error for me, but its fun! The more I dig into it the more I like it. The worst part of all this is that I am working 12 hours a day and Saturdays too, and have no time for myself or Liz....

New Years Resolutions: (yeah, I make them every year, I've done pretty well the past 2 years in keeping them, so here goes nothing...)
1. Set my priorities straight in regards to spending more time with Liz
2. Ask for a raise, or get a new job if I don't get a raise.
3. Goto the gym at least 2x a week
4. Study the bible at least 2x a week
5. Take the GMAT at least once this year...(that includes studying for it).

These are some tall goals. They may not seem that much to you, but to me its a lot. Its a year of doing not so much "BIG" things/events happening in my life, but these are goals of consistancy - something that I think I lack in. I feel that I need these to start to not just work really hard at my job but also work hard in other areas of my life....

There must be something magical about a new year. If you really think about it, its just another day of the year. Technically, its no more special than say, July 13th..(wait, that IS a special day...its Liz's B-day). But I dunno why at the end of December I just feel so tired and wanting to get the year over with. But January seems to be filled with hope and promise. Maybe God gave us new years to refresh and renew ourselves and set new goals and have more things to look forward to. I know I definitely have lots of things to look forward to (see new years resolutions!)

You know, every year, I evaluate my motto. I've decided to keep it the same this year.. "Work hard, play hard, and never forget to smile!". I'm keeping it not out of laziness, but I've always thought that the most important part of the motto was the "smile" part. Now I'm realizing the importance of "work" hard, too. Not that I didn't work hard before, just that every year I need to strive to work harder... *sigh* I wish I was smarter. My two brain cells (that are left after all the beer in college) are working overtime as is....

anyways. time for bed. Maybe another resolution this year is to update my blog more often!


Wednesday, January 02, 2002

Sorries, Sorries....
I know I haven't been blogging lately... The Holidays are nice and relaxing, but, at the same time, its spending time away from my computer and with people that I haven't talked to. I know a lot of you are complaining that I haven't updated anything lately, so here's how my holidays were...

Christmas was fun! I like getting presents. I got a GUND bear and a wok from Liz for Christmas. It was kewl! I like the wok. I've been cooking with it. It still needs to be broken in (because its NOT a non-stick, everything sorta sticks to it right now.. just needs to be greased up a bit). That, and the bear is really really soft. Now that I think about it, thank goodness I went to pick up that heart shaped pendant for her from Tiffany's... otherwise, I'd feel kinda bad!

We spend Christmas eve at my parents house, where a had a HUGE headache... I ended up sleeping through most of the party, but work up in time for my brother's birthday cake and the gift opening. I bought my parents a football shaped red bowl, for them to put fruits and stuff in... Other than that, I got a blockbuster certificate, some money, and a disney framed picture for Christmas. The framed picture is quite nice, as it goes along with all the other Warner Bro/Disney stuff that I have on my wall that leads to upstairs. Liz had fun, I think. She met all my relatives for the first time. They all liked her...

Then we went to Liz's parents house for dinner on Christmas Day evening, where we had Honey Baked ham and yams and string beans and salad. Her mom had these flavored croutons that were soooo yummy.... hmmm. I gotta go find some of those..
