Monday, February 04, 2002

I don't think I'm very smart. I've been trying to fix this PC board at work that has some timing issues for at least 3 weeks now. YIKES! Its just not so easy. I guess I wish I could be a miracle worker, but I am not.

Pinched a nerve the other day, or so I thought I did. Anyways, I have this sharp pain when I turn my head to a certain position. It was really bad on Saturday, a bit better today, and it still feels pretty bad today. Oh well....

Liz and I, along with my parents and my grandpa went to see the Peking Acrobats on Saturday. It was AWESOME! There were incredible acts of balance, and some incredibly soft bodies of the contortionists. It was incredible. I especially like the act with a girl riding a unicycle on a turning umbrella, and the 8 layers of chairs that are stacked with the guy balancing on it, and also the lady that juggled a big vase with her feet. Boy. The were scary! It was really really neat-o.

*sigh* back to work now. :-)

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