Wednesday, February 06, 2002

Some break through today. Finally, I was able to trigger on the error of my PC Board and was able to take a look at the parity error. There seems to be some timing issues, but I can't tell what. I guess I will just wait until our hardware engineer comes back and let him figure it out. :-)

Today is a nice day. Only 1 more day of work before I am off to Vegas. I'm not terribly excited about Vegas, but VERY excited about going on vacation... And, with my favorite person too. :-)

You know, I realized that when you are stressed and under pressure, you often don't get a lot done. When I was debugging this parity error problem, I kept thinking about when it needs to be done and how little time I have to do it, and then I stress myself out and doesn't let my 2 brain cells do its work. However, I took a step back yesterday and stopped worring about when it was going to be done and all, and look how much progress I made! Yikes! Another lesson in life - "NO STRESS!" Its another one of those easy to say, hard to do, phrases. But its neat to discover one of the "true" meanings behind no stress - i.e. you productivity really goes up when you are not stressed!


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