Monday, February 18, 2002

Had a good relaxing weekend....

We went test driving for Liz's new car, so we went to the Subaru dealer in San Jose to test drive the 2002 Outback. Boy was I disappointed. Maybe I am a bit spoiled, but I couldn't really feel the kick out of that engine. It was pretty sluggish. I felt the engine in my 93 Altima had more kick than the Subaru had. We're going to go around and test drive some more cars. Hopefully, there will be something both economical and nice our there.

You know, I've always liked wagons, for some reason. Outback is probably the nicest looking wagon out on the road these days. It looks rugged. And its not a SUV. I'm not a big fan of those SUVs. I think wagons look great, and they can haul lots and lots of stuff. Its practical, and I think the Outback looks really elegant, too. Its just a nice car over all. I wonder what the V6 LL Bean Edition feels like.... ?!?!?

k. back 2 work. :-)

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