Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Read something really cool this morning, in a daily devotional...

"Worship is also bottom-up. We can start by observing our world, our lives, and our history and begin to find God’s hand in all this. This is what you would expect from a scientist. Scientists begin with observation at the most basic level. They start with particulars and try and build conclusions or theories based on those particulars. For a scientist to believe in God (especially one who helped discover the universe’s most fundamental elements) means he started by observing the universe from the ground up, and based on all the particulars he gathered, God become his final conclusion. There was no other way for him to correlate all the facts that have been gathered by all the scientists over all time. "

How interesting! I've never thought of it this way - I mean, to think that there are no other conclusion other than "God" through observing the world. Thats pretty powerful. I've always seen miracles around me, but never thought that this could be the conclusion to God.



Thursday, March 10, 2005

Do we have the power?

Brain fart of the day: Do we have the power to influence others? Sure we do. Should we have the power to influence the others? Well, its too late now, cuz we do have the power. God gave us that power and commanded us to use it wisely. But should we exert our influence on others even if they don't want it?

I am reflecting upon why people "should" do something. There never is such a thing. We are free to praise God in the way that He wants us to praise Him. Isn't that true? If a person is old enough, and just wants to be left alone to praise God, why should any of us detract that person away from praising God with our thoughts?

Maybe, in the case of all that has been happening at church, I've spoken too much to too many people. They don't need it, they don't deserve it. Maybe they don't want to hear it, whether it'd be my complaints or anyone elses. Maybe they just want to praise God with other brothers and sisters in Christ. Who am I to take that away?

Lord, I come before you, and I repent for my sins with regards to my tongue, my voice, and my influence on others. May they seek you always, and may everyone be so in tuned with you that they follow you directly rather than being influenced by others. Amen.
*sigh* its almost 1AM, and I am still awake.
Why? Because I love God. Through thick or thin, through the times when He is carrying me, and when there are two sets of footprints, through the periods when Satan attacks. Because no matter what happens, God provides.

Church is going through crisis right now. 3 deacons leaving within a week. Thats not good, considering we only have about 8 deacons. Who said church was easy? Who said serving God is easy? It sure wasn't easy for Jeremiah, in chapter 12, as he complained: "You are always righteous, O LORD, when I bring a case before you. Yet I would speak with you about your justice: Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Why do all the faithless live at ease?"

Church is not easy. But would I rather live without it? NO WAY!