Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Read something really cool this morning, in a daily devotional...

"Worship is also bottom-up. We can start by observing our world, our lives, and our history and begin to find God’s hand in all this. This is what you would expect from a scientist. Scientists begin with observation at the most basic level. They start with particulars and try and build conclusions or theories based on those particulars. For a scientist to believe in God (especially one who helped discover the universe’s most fundamental elements) means he started by observing the universe from the ground up, and based on all the particulars he gathered, God become his final conclusion. There was no other way for him to correlate all the facts that have been gathered by all the scientists over all time. "

How interesting! I've never thought of it this way - I mean, to think that there are no other conclusion other than "God" through observing the world. Thats pretty powerful. I've always seen miracles around me, but never thought that this could be the conclusion to God.



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