Monday, May 20, 2002

You know, I realized 3 things yesterday in which God showed his grace and power

About a few years ago, I was talking to my good friend Noel about how I feel that I wasn't being challenged in the bible. We did a bible study with our pastor and that was really cool. Since then, haven't done much. We keep doing topical studies at Sunday school, and I just don't feel interested. About a month ago, I started doing Sunday school with the 2nd church that I go help out at. The lady that leads the study with me (just the two of us right now) is leading an in-depth study on the book of Colossians. Its been really great and I've been learning so much about Paul, his character, his life, and the people of Colossae.

We even started to go into some of the text in Greek to see what the sentences mean... Its AWESOME!

We've been doing this for a while now and I just realized that this was the answer to a prayer that I had 2 years ago, when I asked God to really challenge me in the studies of His word. I just realized how God answered my prayers and learned a few lessons as well along the way. That was so awesome! I really thank God for what He has given me...


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