Monday, April 22, 2002

*sigh* this blogging thing never works well for me. Being a nerd that works with the vi editor, hitting the 'escape' key will get you into 'Command' mode so you can save your document. On - hitting the 'Esc' key will erase all that hard work you just put into your blog.... Lesson of the day: DON'T HIT THE ESCAPE KEY!!!!!

Anyways, as I was saying, Beej reminded me how much I loved Emerson as I was reading his work in school. I think I am going to go pick up a copy of Emerson today on my way home. In a way, I feel like Emerson helped shape who I am today.

I think in today's society, we are all 'bound' by society. Society seems to dictate what we 'should' be doing and what we 'should' watch and we 'should' be saying. People get criticized in almost everything that they do. I used to have a big problem with this. Why can't I do what I want if I am not hurting anyone else? Emerson wrote in his pieces about people contradicting themselves and cricitisms. His conclusion was "So What?!?!?!" (well, not in those exact words...)

I love that - Life is all about what YOU want to do and who YOU want to spend time with. The hardest thing to do is to not care about what everyone else says and live free - live your life. I can't say I do this well at all, but one thing I know. I want to spend my time with Liz.

Someday, we will be free.......


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