Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My vision and God's vision.

So, I went in last week to have my contacts checked. The doctor asked me how they felt and I said they felt fine, except that my vision is not as clear with contacts as they are with my glasses. Doctor explained that I have a bit of astigmatism, so that even though I have 20/20 vision with my contacts in, the picture from each eye doesn't quite line up with each other, and that is why some of the things that are far away looks fuzzy to me.

Doctor said that unless I want to get Torric(sp?) lenses, I should try to adapt to the contact lenses that I have.

As I was driving away, God was asking me if I can see clearly what His plans are for me. And, just like how I have my contacts on, I couldn't quite see what God's plans are for me. The picture is fuzzy and I can't quite make it out. Its as if one eye is seeing God's vision, yet my other eye is looking at my vision and desires for the future. I realized how much I get sucked up into the things of this world, to the point where I am somewhat uncertain of God's plan for me in the future!

I think I will need to learn to adapt to God's vision instead of insisting on my own vision so that someday, I can see clearly with both eyes open!


1 comment:

Audrey said...

Hi John,

I have astigmatism and I wore gas permeable contacts for a while. I remember it was hard getting used to it but once you get used to it, it feels better than the soft one. I just have problem w/ it falling out when I'm doing sporty stuff. Recently I switched over to Toric soft contacts by Daily Focus but the vision isn't as crisp as with the gas perm. But mostly now, I just wear my glasses and wear contacts when I know I'll be doing some activity.