Monday, May 08, 2006

Looking back, my last post was on 4/26. I forgot to blog on my birthday. Although, I have to say, this is the first birthday where I almost forgot about it because we have been so busy with Ethan. It just doesn't feel that *important* anymore. I used to take a day off on my birthdays, and do nothing but play videogames. This year, I got up, went to work, just like a normal day. Had lunch with friends, ate a lot of food that I didn't have to pay for, and had dinner with my wife. Other than that, it was kinda mellow...

Trust me, I didn't mind at all. Its all about making sure that Ethan grows up right, thats what its about.

1 comment:

gorgbroza said...

I might have forgotten about my 30th if Regina hadn't said anything, and my parents hadn't come over.

Sara caught some bug that day and 72 hours later we spent like 5 hours in the emergency room at the hospital. Blah. I'll make her buy me a 30th birthday cake with her first paycheck.