Wednesday, December 12, 2001

Its only Tuesday? that sucks. I thought it was Wednesday already. What a bummer. Last night, I went to bed at 11PM. Literally passed out until 9AM this morning. What's gotten into me? I think its the cold weather and my refusal to turn on the heater. I think because its so cold in the house that after I get home I won't want to do anything..... Maybe I should turn the heater on?!?

Anyways, had Day-O Deli for dinner last night. It wasn't bad! For $5.50 you get an egg, veggies, pork chop, lots of rice, and a piece of friend tofu. I couldn't even finish it. So I cooked some extra rice yesterday and now I am going to have the left overs for lunch. What a deal $5.50 for a whole days worth of food. (Although, I don't think its doing wonders for my cholesterol)...

hee hee :-) At least I'm not all that stressed today. Our project was working last night and its been running over night (thats the longest its ever ran!) and we were happy. Hopefully, its all smooth sailing from here on out. We'll see.

more later

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