January 21, 2007 - Stockholm.
What a beautiful city! well, at least from what I can (or can't) gather, which isn't much. Its COMPLETELY white outside!!!!! We had breakfast at the Lady Hamilton Hotel, and then just took off walking around old town. Even through the snow, I can see the narrow alley ways, the cobble stone roads, and all the dinky little gift shops that are tucked away in the alleys. It was pretty cool. Its every bit what I imagined a typical European city to be!
Walking down the cobble stone roads, I can picture on a (warmer) sunny day, the street filled with tourists, along with all the traiditional swedish music and dancers in the squares, with small tables and chairs outside and people sitting around drinking coffee. Its not anything I've ever seen or experienced before in my travels around North America and even Asia.
Anyhow, we walked around some more, and it was starting to get colder and colder as the wind picks up. So we decided to try to find our way over to the City Hall, which is also where the Nobel prize ceremonies are held every year.
Well, that sounds easy, but old town, being "old", doesn't exactly have straight streets - its windy, and goes all over the place. It took us another 1/2 hour of walking around in circles to find how to get out of old town....
By the way, thats not me in the picture, thats my boss. We decided to take pictures of each other and just mail each other the pictures, but he hasn't mailed me my picture yet, so...
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