Monday, March 27, 2006

Talent is cheap....

Heard a great sermon yesterday by Pastor Loren Chong of Concord Korean Baptist Church. He gave a semon about prayer, the hardest kind of prayer. The hardest kind of prayer involves praying with your soul, praying with your _____?, and praying with dedication. (Matthew 26:40).

What struck me is the praying with dedication part. I think thats the hardest part for me! I mean I think I do pretty well with praying, but not praying with dedication as when I pray, I go from topic to topic, and praying for all sorts of things all the time. But I don't pray with dedication.

Here's an analogy: Pastor Loren said that "Talent is cheap... Dedication is hard". Isn't that so true? God has give each one of us many many talents, I believe. But if we don't dedicate ourselves to developing those talents, then we are never going to be able to carry out fully the talent that God has given us. We all agree that Tiger is a super-talented golf player. But can Tiger be Tiger without all those hours of working on the mechanics of his swing? Tiger has changed his swing 2x since he turned pro. How many other pros are working on their swings as diligently as Tiger?

Therefore, dedication - thats what I need to strive for!


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