Thursday, March 21, 2002
Monday, March 18, 2002
"For Asian-American Churches, Integration Proves Complicated"
It doesn't look like there are any fast 'n easy solution to this, I guess we're kind of stuck in a generation that goes through it. However, I think this is an important issue - because whatever trend that we set right now might have huge impacts for the future generations. Do you guys think so too?
Well, I welcome any feedback. Please e-mail me at and share your thoughts on this issue with me!
-confused nut...
Tuesday, March 12, 2002
As you know, I am chinese. Now, lets just assume that I get married and have kids. Do I want to raise my kids in a 'chinese' church or a 'Asian American' church? Or more of an 'American' church? I see advantages and disadvantages for each one, but as I thought deeper, there seems to be a struggle between 'culture' and 'diversity'... I haven't formed my conclusions yet, as it will require some more thinking....
'Diversity' is something we celebrate. Especially here in California, I think diversity is very important - because it teaches tolerance. Just take a look around here in California - we have all sorts of different ethnic resturants and stores, 'asian' towns everywhere. Not only that, we're able to goto Morroccan resturants, Ethopian resturants, eating all sorts of different food. I work with Iranians, Iraqis, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Caucasian, British, Indian...etc. All sorts of people. Because of this mixed society, I am able to learn about different cultures, what their society values, what sorts of activities they'd like to do...etc.
However, I am 'chinese'. As most of the people know, the 'Chinese' are rich in culture. Fong Shui, acupuncture, pressure points, the aroma of Chinese food, Moon Cake Festivals...etc. are all parts of the chinese culture. I definitely want my kids to not only learn english but also Chinese, to understand the chinese culture, and also to possess some of the Chinese traits such as Filial Duty, respect of the elders, and hard working traits. I hope my kid can learn the art of calligraphy, dizi (chinese flute), and other forms of ancient chinese culture.
However, I can't seem to see a balance. Rather, I see a struggle of being pulled one way or the other. In a chinese church, with the advant of chinese school and everything, the kid may be more pulled towards the Chinese culture side. But I don't want him or her to forget diversity - i.e. eventhough there are alot of chinese people out there, one should also learn about the other cultures and see the different people that are out there, the way they live and carry on....
hmm. interesting question. I will have to give it some more thought. stay tuned...
1st off, the logistics. It took 8 hours to get there - me and Liz hopped in her Trooper and headed down at around 11:45AM. Stopped by split pea Anderson's along the way, and just kept driving and driving.... It took the whole 8 hours to get there. Then we had really expensive-and-not-worth-it salad bar and then went to find the campsite and pitched the tent. The rest of the gang arrived at 3AM to find the tents pitched and air mattress inflated (Courtesy of Me and Liz)!!!!
Saturday morning, we went to Dante's view for a grandview of the salt flats, Zabriskie Point to see the golden rolling hills, then to Furnace Creek Inn for lunch (which had rattlesnake meat!!!) then drove down to see the salts at the Devil's golf course, played in the salt marshes, stopped by Badwater to check out some 'bad' water, and drove back through the Artists palette, and back. Sunday morning we went trekked along the sand dunes before we headed back....
Boy. Lessons I learned: 1) its soo nice to have a house and a toilet within walking distance. 2) Its nice to have a kitchen to put stuff. 3) I can't believe how dependent humans are on 'stuff' to survive (pots, pans, lamps, heater, air mattress...etc.) 4) Going to Death Valley definitely makes me appreciate what God has given me already! Praise God.
Thursday, March 07, 2002
Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates: Excerpt taken from
I especially like the last 2 paragraphs....
"But Gates is still right, that no matter how cool these new computers and their software are, they won't be enough for Apple to "win." And here is where we have to understand the difference between winning in Gatespeak and Jobspeak. When Gates speaks about winning he means WINNING, the whole enchilada, mastery of the universe. At this point in his career, every thought that comes out of Bill Gates' mind is grandly strategic. Steve Jobs, on the other hand, thinks solely in terms of tactics, not strategy. His wins are today, tomorrow, next week, next quarter. He revels in every little chance to push people around and make things the way he wants them to be. He can't help it. It was a bad strategy, for example, to snub Gates with Vanity Fair, but in the tactical mind of Steve Jobs, it was brilliant.
In Steve Jobs' mind, he has already won. Those of us who last for a few decades in this business find our own kind of peace and Steve Jobs' is best exemplified by the George Herbert quote, "Living well is the best revenge." Apple's future as a boutique computer company is secure. He dominates Apple completely. When he doesn't feel like being a high tech mogul, he can be a movie mogul, something Gates will never be. In Steve's mind, he has the best of everything. Apple software is cooler than Windows will ever be. Palo Alto, where Jobs lives, is trendier than Seattle. Even Jobs' plane, a Gulfstream V, is cooler than Gates' Challenger 604. It goes on and on. Gates has never even considered this latter point, but I'll guarantee you that Jobs has, and he revels in it. "
What is 'winning'? How do you define 'winning'? In the sports world, we humans make up all sorts of rules to determine who 'wins'. But that is only 'winning' in the sense of that particular sport. How about the people that had to overcome many many difficulties (injuries..etc) and are mediocore atheletes? Do they 'win'? Of course! They 'win' because they've beaten the injury or the disease that they are fighting for. This article has made me realize that 'winning' is really a relative term. Therefore, maybe that is why God called us to be humble, because when you win you've only won in one sense of the word - maybe, in another sense, you didn't win at all.....
Wednesday, March 06, 2002
I was so excited yesterday that I found a wiring diagram in my manual for the cruise control that stopped working since 2 years ago. Now that I have a schematic I should be able to fix it. hehehe :-) It was cool! I was up until 2AM last night studying the chart. Now all I need is a ohm meter and an oscilloscope.... -nutster.
Friday, March 01, 2002
1. What's your favorite vacation spot? I don't go on vacation enough to know, but I'd like to goto Australia and New Zealand
2. Where do you consider to be the biggest hell-hole on earth? Hell, of course. What else?
3. What would be your dream vacation? 5-day golf trip on a presonal jet from Mauna Kea to Pebble Beach, then Spanish Bay to Banff Springs and ending in Chesapeak Bay Country Club. *sigh* it'll never come true...
4. If you could go on a road-trip with anyone, who would it be and why? Lizzy bear - she can keep me company and also we get to spend more time together....
5. What are your plans for this weekend? Going to Junko concert at Tri-Valley Chinese Bible Church, help Liz buy a bible for her brother, sort out all the camping equiptment gear for next weekend, watch TV, help Liz buy a car, eat dinner with my parents, watch a movie.